Pet Policy

Pet Policy

You have been authorized to have pet(s) - dogs only - at the rental property and you have agreed to pet provisions in your rental agreement. Please note and abide by the provisions of this Pet Policy: Renters will be charged for additional cleaning, if necessary, for soiling or smells caused by pets. There is a one-time pet fee of $50. per pet. This fee is not per night and is not taxable.

FURNITURE: Pets are not allowed on any furniture... DO NOT allow your dog to sleep on a bed, sofa, or chair.

OUTSIDE: Pets should never be outside the rental house without Renter supervision, and, when outside the house, pets must be on a leash. Never allow them to roam or run free. This policy also applies to public parks and beaches. Pets should never be allowed to enter any neighboring property.

DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PET ALONE AT THE HOUSE: Never, at any time, leave pets alone at the rental property. When owners leave the property, pets must be taken with the owners. We have had incidents where a dog has been locked into a bathroom or bedroom – with the result of serious scratching damage on the door. Your dog is in a strange house – alone – and wants to get out. That damage might mean the new door at a cost to you. Please be a good neighbor and take measures to keep dogs from excessive barking.

PET DROPPINGS: Pet droppings from any place on the property - must be picked up by pet owners and disposed of in the trash cans. This area abounds in wildlife – deer, rabbits, squirrels, turkeys & other birds, and the occasional skunk. Do not allow your pet to chase them or disturb them.

Any violations of this Pet Policy may result in the forfeiture of your security deposit. We have, from time to time, heard complaints from neighboring property owners about pets at the rental properties – outside without a leash, excessive barking, pets crossing onto their private properties, etc. Please give our neighbors the courtesy of not allowing your pet to be a nuisance to them